Thursday, May 20, 2010

i got scared drinking a whole bottle of vodka

i was supposed to do it tonight. but i don't know.
i just suddenly fell back.
i finished prepping up and everything.
but when i was about to start, i just got scared..

Ingatz! X-P

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

"Watch me drink vodka!"

i'm about to start a segment showing me drinking a whole bottle of vodka.

Yes ladies and gentlemen. You guys will soon see me drunk (or at least buzzed).

First off, I would start drinking the smaller bottles of vodka rather than drinking a 750ml bottle. This is also new to me so cut me some slack. maybe I'll do 3 episodes of small bottles. Then on to the big ones.

So watch out guys! You might see me puke. Or not.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Stoli Elit! Awesome! X_X

By far the most expensive bottle of vodka I have ever bought. It cost me $65 to get this one and I tell you, it's pretty damn good.

First off, let's talk about the bottle. It has a slick, sexy bottle with black and silver on top. the writing is in script which gives it a more luxurious look. This is the tallest bottle I have by far. what surprises me the most is that when I first opened it, the cap was very heavy. I dunno why but it just captured me.

The taste is great. It taste just like stoli but the removed the impurities and the whatnot. As you can tell by the picture, it's already half empty. Believe me, it's really hard to stop drinking this. I wouldn't recommend this in a mix because it is way too awesome as a shot (especially when chilled).

Overall, it is a great buy. A nice addition to my collection. Nice to look at the table. A great celebratory drink. And because it has more personality than other vodkas, you can safely drink it without being bitten in the ass by a bad aftertaste.

BUY IT!!!!!

Ingatz! X-P

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Luxury One!

I'm about to get a bottle of the most expensive vodka around! Try and guess what it is.

Ingatz! X-P

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Imperia Vodka Everybody!

This has got to be the most talked about Russian vodka that boast "excellence" in the range of standard Russian vodkas.

Again, I am taken by the way the bottle looks. It really stands out of the crowd. It has six sides, bold Russian lettering, and amazing artistry with the company symbol.

Reading what's on the bottle, it said "The vodka you hold was first created in 1894 in the city of St Petersburg. There, by Imperial decree, the brilliant scientist Mendeleeve prepared the most luxurious of vodkas from the finest winter wheat, the softest glacial waters, and for extraordinary smoothness and clarity, filtered through quartz crystals from the Ural Mountains. From that original recipe comes Imperia, Russia's finest vodka. Imeria. Russia's luxury gift to the world. "

The taste is pretty great. It kinda reminded me of an another, more popular Russian vodka called "stoli" but this is more smooth and rich than the usual "enemy".

From it's texture alone, it is most likely that people would use it for mixers as such. But it is also good as a shot (just prepare a sprite on the side).

I've heard people buying a 750ml bottle of this for only $10. I don't know if it's true because the bottle i bought set me back by $35. Yeah, it's pretty expensive. But maybe I just got duped. (WHAT THE FUCK!!!)

I'm not really sure if this is considered a high end vodka for it's taste (which is kinda disappointing). But with the stylish bottle, it almost kinda feels worth it for the price. I would say that this is a middle class vodka.

If you are an avid vodka collector, this is a must have. It really looks nice on top of the table.

All in all, it is a good buy for me. I'm still happy that I bought. And this might be the first bottle I would down for you guys.

Watch for it!

Ingatz! X-P

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Imperia Imperia Imperia

I'm gonna get you!!!..

Ingatz! X-P

Friday, May 7, 2010

Finally! Crystal Head Vodka!

Just look at it. It just looks amazing! And I finally got one. Jealous?

It gets a 10 out of 10 for the bottle alone. I guess everyone would agree right? It's a very unique idea by an American Artist and Dan Aykroyd (one of the ghostbusters).

They claim that they do 4 distillations and 3 filterations through fine crystals before shipping. I hope some of those crystals find their way in my bottle.

When I opened the bottle, a smell of sweet, aromatic, and a little spike of a smell filled my senses which just made me more excited getting a taste of it. But I had to put it in the freezer for a couple of hours first. That would ensure that i can taste the full potential of the liquor.

So for taste, my thought is, it's "OK!". It's not the best that I've tasted but it's still top shelf quality. The sense, the aroma, the taste is all good. I could definitely say it's better than that "goose" product. And it's good with mixes as well.

Well, whether you like the taste or not, it still looks nice with your collection. Its certainly does in mine.

Ingatz! X-P

Thursday, May 6, 2010

eyeing that skull head

i've been consistently looking at this vodka that has a skull-shaped bottle.
i wonder if it's good. can't wait to get it.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Typical Russian Vodka Mix

1 shot - fresh ginger juice
1 shot - honey
1 shot - lemon juice (or lime)
2 shot - vodka

*shake all items together
*serve it on the rocks
*top it off with a little ginger ale on top

Ingatz! X-P

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

ZYR Vodka

So this is the first Vodka i bought. Why you ask? It attracted me to that sign around it's neck.

It says "Triple Crown Winner" from the "San Francisco World Spirits Competition". I don't know what all of this means but seeing the words "triple crown winner" is really attractive.

Looking at the bottle, it's not pretty unique. except for it's blue glow which makes it a little fancier than others.

ZYR undergoes 9 filtrations, 5 distillations, and 3 tastings.

As you can tell by looking at the picture, it's already a quarter empty.
That's my bad. Couldn't control myself.

I payed $33 for it but it was worth it. It's really smooth, gives you a hint of sweetness, and makes you feel like you're drinking top shelf stuff which it really is.

Any objections? Suggestions? Opinions?

Ingatz! X-P

Monday, May 3, 2010

how to properly drink vodka

First and foremost, i want to share to everyone a way to truly experience the real taste of vodka you're drinking. I'm not saying that this is the most awesome way to drink it. But drinking vodka like this might make you look at vodka in a different way.

Here's what you do:

- Before drinking, put the bottle of vodka in the freezer for at least 2 hours. Put a couple of glasses in there also. Drinking chilled vodka gives you it's true potential. It's not the same as drinking vodka on the rocks because the water from the ice mixes in with the vodka giving it a light and watery taste

- After chilling, pull out the bottle along with the chilled glasses and fill them only half way.
Filling it to the top just shows that you just wanna get hammered.

- After filling the glasses halfway, pick up the glass and smell the vodka, take a sip (don't drink all of it), and have a few seconds to appreciate the taste.

- Finish off the experience by finishing your glass.

What do you think?
The vodka is somehow different, right?

Ingatz! X-P

hello everyone!

i gonna start a blog about vodkas. about me collecting vodkas. all kinds of vodkas. rare or common. expensive or cheap. black or white. asian or mexican. russian or polish. well, you get the picture.
and then some more.

just stand by to see my pretty empty collection become massive. so massive that you will drool even if you don't drink.

ingatz! X-P